IAS... CAT nd much more..
It seems like it is very difficult to do this in the world. but i am a believer that nothing is possible and it is very easy to go on the next level of thought and achieve anything that you want... the limits have not yet been designed.. you can always push the limits...
Your stimulus inputs provide you with a determination of pushing and with that energy you can bend that environment to such a state that it pushes you even more.. hence you are pushed to a point when you define the new limit..
Thought.. is an amazing thing.. very amazing indeed.. it makes newer things possible.. sometimes it is just a linear extension of what is there.. some times not so linear.. we are in a world where we are exploring.. we have developed tools to explore.. we have developed faiths to guide us.. i bend to the human intelligence.. though it seems we might be going wrong and causing permanent damage.. but then their is always a way out and together one day we would surely reach a level which is faar faar beyond what even our thought tends to think today.
It is while writing such things i am excited by the thought of writing science fictions.. as they define the next.. i fondly believe i can write short science fictions and then turn some of them into reality too.. atleast i will write about all the evil uses of technology that come to my mind.
I have realized that saint is not the one who is free from evil thoughts.. saint is a person who is aware of the evil thoughts and is able to clearly differentiate between evil and non-evil. With my love for equilibrium i like to be a bit humorously evil and I rejoice that i am aware of it.
IAS and CAT are just tests to filter out students who might have the capability and dedication to do something great in life.. i find that there are so many dedicated students in India who want to do something.. with the right kind of guidance and pressure and also a larger prospect of such tests which promise greatness.. people would be able to do a lot of good.. a large amount of good really i believe so. So as i say so I come with ideas of nation wide enterance tests with an aim of entring people for the top jobs.. what people are looking for is a gaurantee.. so with a new course one should also join the generic material if one looses it.
E.g. You can have a all india level enterance exam for the coding team, it is an exam for the people perfecting in coding.. so they would enroll for a 6 year course say during which they would create many things for the industry by coding.. etc and they would be able to specialize in fields.. but parallely with that they would be taught state of the art engineering stuff.. one can obviously accept these would not come to the top at once.. but people are really looking for successful examples before taking a carreer path.. though the enterance exam should be very tough just like jee and that there should be coaching institutes for the same.. though i believe the preperation should also include that of jee, so that a person is also able to give the other enterance examinations.
That's the point there are people who just look for opportunities and good lives.. and there are others who are opportunity creators.. i believe i can easily become na opportunity creator.. why should I go into accepted fields and occupy some opportunity whcih some one can do an equally good job upon.. I should be out here creating opprotunities. Good point, but the one thing i realize is I am not absolute.. i need good poeple around me to stay dedicated, challanged, competitve, discontented and always trying to push the limits.
How can I remain an environment which pushes me into an opportunity creator? - Remaining in contact with my IITD Mates, Coming up with another socail network in order to push the limits of humans.. (aaha another good idea.. i am getting really good at this...), Going to stanford for some project, going to nasa for some project, going to harvard business school, going to the most competitive company possible.. going to IAS. I need to figure out all these good places and then how i am going to stay there in order to stay motivated and see what else i can learn from the world before and even while i deliver the state of the art to the world.
Motivating people around me.. the main good i cna bring is to atleast keep the poeple who come around me motivated and happy.. though i have run out of jokes but then cheap humour is always there.
Writing.. I always wanted to be like Jeremy Clarkson, the king of sarcasm.. i always wanted a column in newspaper where i can be sarcastic about things.. in a knowledgable way.. and preparing for IAS gives me this unique opportunity to be humoursly sarcastic about our history, geography, current events etc... it is a time i can obviously start writing on my blogs.. and if i feel it is good i should pursue it.. I again feel i need a secretary.. to manage all the things i want to do parallely.. and still want to keep my mind free and hollow like a one year old's so that i can learn more from the world.. huh it' sgoing to be tough.. i surely need a secretary.. atleast someone who helps me out during my planing.. huh chalo lets solv ethis too.
About opening a business... especially a web based one.. it is the one which is supposed to empower me to get into other sectors.. though i think i am dedicated enough to think of various detials in it and see it through. I would putmy 110% and treat it as my own child.. huh can I? yes yes.. though at every point of time I would like to make a very huge team of a dedicated vision.. and it should be so stable and innovative that it is speerheading into the future.. innovation is my path to glory.. i need to redefine.. people have already been overwehlemed by the present state of the art and the linear improvements.. they forget about the lateral improvements.. i know mayank may appreciate this thought but already this text is too huge to be appreciated by anyone in future even by me.
I will visit this text next week to lean it out .. and make it readable and more absorbable.. i should somehow capture my mindset now.. which has been based upon a series of successes and a satisfying year.. and environment filled with great people, energy and great thoughts.. i fear this environment is not for long.. and so is this mindset.. but still i have a perfectly long year to do something..
finally one should not overplan our lives are like flowing rivers... we don't know what kind of terrain we would encounter but we surely know that we would power through...
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