What a life : Waiting for the bus
This video is just a perfect stereotype life of a failed high achiever. Though the terms high achiever and failed both are not what i would like to define here. Setting some goals and doing justice to them is good.
The question is was running the Indy 500 a good decision or bad. Even if he lost the Indy 500 was it a big deal, if it weren't a big deal he would not have won so many titles on the first place. The best life is the one which is in healthy equilibrium, but still most of us dream of a life in extremes. Some people call this raising the bar. And to them i say "I don't drink."
I am just writing for the sake of writing, I should do some constructive thought and then write down. On one point I am very clear to even myself that creation is the theme for my work this year. And I would try to keep creating.
As Subrato Bagchi puts it "Great people are those who generate quality content as they work." And hence the poem goes...
I saw an angel, helping the world
As I went near, the world
seemed to helping the angel
when I reached closer, there
was no angel, only the world
helping the world
Thus I realized, that we are
the ones here,
Working towards a better tomorrow
which is near,
While playing in the fun filled today,
it is clear,
Lets put light everywhere, and tell all
nothing to fear.
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