A disturbing nightmare...

As I woke up there was darkness before even lights could get on... it really felt like I was there... a really long dream though initially around and about friends. But after they decided to go to school.. i was alone in some place.. the place seemed real... every word spoken by the person there was real..... (I feel cold rushes while writing this...).. I could see the pain in the eyes of people sitting there. And the main thing I already knew what was happening... I had seen it before... and my sleep opened as I had seen it before.. I knew. I was sitting in a big hall type of room where there were many people listening to some priestly figure. The people looked normal people but on the top row sat the people being talked about with on their family members. There were little children and some adults having some illness.. i could look into their eyes. As they were going to be taken for being freed.. his words sounded so real and were so crystal clear.. rarely that happens..."We are not deciding your fate we are only helping you realize your choice.." and while he continued.. he said we are getting late... then there was a horse on the wall.. it started shining and an automated sound came.. we are already late.. its time we move... its time.. and in my heart i was crying as i knew these people would be taken to an incinerator to be incerated and the others like me sitting there have to watch it... and then i woke by a shock but there was darkness around... and after a few seconds light came to my eyes.. but it should have come earlier.. as light of my room was on.

And the worst part as I rose up from the bed thinking loads and loads of theories.. and thoughts.. I went out of the room to find a sock I had removed before sleeping outside the room (but it could have been ankit as he had come to meet me just as I as going to sleep..) .. I truly wish this maybe is true..

The various theories I came up with for the event being so true:
1. Mom is back and is trying to tell me something.
2. As 11th September is approaching.. I am remembering the day care of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute.. where I had gone one week before 11th sept.. and where there were children little one or two year old getting chemotherapy.. most of them moving towards certain death. As I sat beside my mum to see all the pained souls.. there eyes.. as I had seen in the dream.
3. May be there are dark forces in the real world, and the dark forces have become stronger.. they are increasing their influence.
4. Assuming we are in the matrix type world..as I think too much and these days the thoughts converging.. the makers are afraid that I am the one who would eventually realize the truth.. so they want to overwhelm my thought with such dark thoughts.. and I become a cynic.. that there are dark forces around..and eventually go mad.
5. I can teleport in the sleep, I can go places.. may be some abilities are developing.
6. I have seen things like this happening before may be in my last birth and they are coming back to me.


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