This part of my life is called running....

We are like computers trying to process the processes being invoked without asking why the process has been invoked and what purpose does executing it surve.. they keep on pushing themselves lakhs of times in a second to serve us... and we say my computer is running..

In the same way i don't know where does new work keeps coming form but at the start of everyday i have so much amount of work that can keep doing that work all day. And this seems right when everything keeps going right and the brains reward centers are flooded with seratonin etc..  that to without the help of any pharmaceuticals or social networking.. :).. but when things started screwing up you feel small, sad and defeated... and you remember the scene from the pursuit of happyness......... and you say......

this part of my life is called running...

(i know my writings lack thought and that's to because i don't have time to think what i have to write thru... :(...)


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