Failures..Teach more

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It is a standard know fact.. (or may be it isn't) that failures teach one more than success does. I till date haven't had major failures in life, but still I have a habit of trying to learn from the little ones to try and avoid the big ones. :)

In my four years I tried to start two start up's one conceptualized by my friend Shashank Singla, and one by me myself. In both the startup's I had very capable people with me as my partners. All knew everything logical required to know about how to do a thing. All are people of great abilities, and i know are going to great in life but still our ventures failed badly.

In the first one we went to a level of creating a logo, writing stuff and making a PPT, but soon everyone forgot and our lives moved forward. In the second case, I was more experienced, I had got the idea sitting in the office of Tandberg limited, thought it over in a bus ride knew it was an amazing idea, called Mayank and Rishav onto the roof and slowly opened it. Both of them loved the idea and we spent rest of the night planning. We had a few meetings, two nightouts did some considerable work and lot of planning still, I had to abandon the project Why???

When something has a rate of development which leads to a time constant greater than your life time, it's better to leave it. This is a very good lesson though it can even be taken from thermodynamics.. we know that delta G (change in gibbs free energy ) for combustion of diamond is -340 kilo joules.. meaning it's highly favorable still it does not combust. Because the rate of combustion is negligible... 

Everything we study has a deeper lesson when we learn to relate it... and that's why studying engineering now after 20 years of life... looks like a huge interlinking exercise... though now I am very cautious in the projects I start... :)


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